飞吧,飞吧 Fly, Fly (1997)


Fly, Fly


录像, 5’15”,1997

Video,5 mins 15secs,1997


人在奴性的蜗居,对自身和周围的一切屈从。正因为蜗居,尤其是在孤独蜗居时,宁静、幻想、厌倦、激情是如此之多,以至我们很想飞—— 一种超越(或逃亡)的方式。




Man is living humbly like a slave submitted to himself and his surroundings. But this humble life, living in solitude, silence, fantasy, weariness, and passion are sometimes so overwhelming that at times we really just want to fly.

It’s one way to transcend or escape

Can we really escape this gravity and lift up?

Which direction will we choose to fly?