天使说:“我们飞行并不靠翅膀,平时煽动几下,只给人看看的”。 如果说蒋志的作品《两张皮》试图要展示给我们一个让人信服的“事实”,那么他的声音装置作品《KKLUTSN129337》则是鼓励观众自己去找寻“真相”。从外观上看,这个作品不过是封着口的木箱子,大到可以装下一个成人。而作品的神秘之处实际上是那来自箱子内部各式各样的声响:深呼吸声、打哈欠声、咳嗽声和呻吟声、偶尔的敲敲打打还有刮擦的声音,以及拍动羽翼的声响;伴随着突然的尖叫、有气无力的哭泣,还有以某种未知语言的哼唱或呓语。如果说我们之前提到的孙原和彭禹是以天使的“真实”抓住观众,可谓成功;那么,蒋志创造的藏在箱子里的生灵以无形示人,又无法定义。从那些声响我们可以断定,这些隐形的生灵感到无聊和不悦,甚至更糟。作品的运输更像一只天使出发而最终抵达伦敦展场的旅途。关税印章、邮戳及条码以及各种在运输中出现的标志再次强调了这点,并通过以下两种方式附加了一些其他重要的意义。首先,我们可以将其看成不符合要求的来自西方的进口货物被打回原产地;或者说一个藏匿于中国的西方宗教信使遭抓捕后被遣返回国。再者,作为一种对于“中国制造”概念的回应,西方对于某种精神世界精灵的幻想(或者设计)可以在中国进行制造,加工,再用廉价的木条箱打包邮寄,以飧西方消费者。(《天使的传说》/姜节泓)
‘We do not rely on wings to fly, we only flap them to show-off to men’, say angels. If Jiang Zhi’s Two Sheets of Skin tries to show us a convincing ‘fact’, then his sound installation work KKLUTSN129337 encourages the audience to explore the ‘fact’ themselves. It appears simply as a sealed wooden case, big enough to hold an adult (Pl. 3). The mystery is evoked by a variety of sounds hidden from the inside. One can hear the sound of deep breaths, yawns, coughs and groans, occasionally knocking and scratching, and the particular noise of flapping wings; suddenly a scream, then sobbing weakly, and sometimes singing (or speaking) in an unknown language, or voice. Unlike Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s triumphal capture of an apparently ‘real’ angel, the ‘creature’ in Jiang Zhi’s package remains invisible and undefined, but certainly bored, unhappy or worse. The transportation (Fig. 32) of the work, or the journey of an ‘angel’, to the exhibition venue in London, reinforced especially by stamps of customs duties, postage codes and signs left on the package, produces additional significance through two approaches. First, it can be seen either as an action of returning an unsatisfactory Western import, or as a religious or ideological messenger, stowed away for China, captured and repatriated to its homeland. Second, as a response to the notion of ‘made in China’, the Western imagination (or design) of a spiritual being could be well manufactured in China, packed physically with cheap timber and posted back to its consumers in the West. (The Tale of Angels/Jiang Jiehong)