中文建立 / English Resume
蒋志 1995 毕业于中国美术学院 1971 出生于湖南沅江 个展 2022 《蒋志—万景入》,红树林画廊,深圳,中国 2021 《蒋志—万景入》,红树林画廊,深圳,中国 2020 《这个我能变好吗?》,刺点画廊,香港,中国 2019 《蒋志个展——震源》,SiloSilo,苏黎世,瑞士 2018 《蒋志|去来》,刺点画廊,香港,中国 《我认出风暴——蒋志》,魔金石空间,北京,中国 《蒋志 | 未形》,大屋顶美术馆,杭州,中国 2017 《范沧桑|蒋志个展》,Hadrien de Montferrand画廊, 北京,中国 《我们——蒋志个展》,TKG+,台北,台湾 2016 《一切——蒋志个展》,深圳OCAT,深圳,中国 《注定——蒋志个展》,魔金石空间,北京,中国 《蒋志:一半》,Jewelvary,上海,中国 2015 《蒋志:一现》,白立方,香港,中国 2012 《窄门》,魔金石空间,北京,中国 《情书》,M97画廊,上海,中国 《不纯之光》,Saamlung画廊,香港,中国 《如果这是一个人》,时代美术馆,广州,中国 2011 《一念,沪申画廊》,上海,中国 2010 《表态3——蒋志的一个展览》,站台中国,北京,中国 《蒋志个展:神经末梢的温度》,当代唐人艺术中心,曼谷,泰国 《蒋志个展:颤抖》,玛吉画廊,马德里,西班牙 2009 《表态2——蒋志的一个展览》,奥沙艺术空间,香港,中国 《表态1——蒋志的一个展览》,奥沙艺术空间,上海,中国 《蒋志个展:白色之上》,奥沙艺术空间,新加坡 2008 《蒋志个展:白色之上》,奥沙艺术空间,香港,中国 《蒋志个展:神经质及其呓语》,玛蕊乐画廊,北京,中国 《蒋志个展:照耀我》,DF2,洛杉矶,美国 2007 《事情一旦发生就会变得简单:蒋志摄影新作展》,M97画廊,上海,中国 2006 《蒋志个展:双人房—03房》,朱屺瞻艺术馆,上海,中国 1999 《“木木”蒋志摄影展》,博尔赫斯书店,广州,中国 群展 2022 《中国当代艺术年鉴展(上海)2020》,上海多伦现代美术馆,上海,中国 2021 《中国当代艺术年鉴展(上海)2020》,上海多伦现代美术馆,上海,中国 《当遗忘,尚未没过船舷》,谢画廊,长沙,中国 《房间里的大象》,HiShorts!,厦门,中国 《记忆术》,OCAT深圳馆,深圳,中国 《环形撞击—录像二十一》,OCAT上海馆,上海,中国 《感觉的逻辑》,华侨城创意文化园,深圳,中国 《秘·境》,巴博罗艺术馆,佛山,中国 《过去的未来主义—中国当代艺术中的过去与未来》,北京展览馆,北京,中国 《第四届今日文献展:缝合(四川美术学院巡展)》,重庆当代美术馆,重庆,中国 《情动—第七届汉江繁星计划-青年艺术家研究展》,武汉美术馆,武汉,中国 《“异境古亭台”—苏州园林艺术节》,苏州,中国 《“你动之时,你对我说”影像群展》,塞万提斯图书馆,上海,中国 《多棱互观—国际当代艺术邀请展》,澳门艺术博物馆,澳门,中国 《贮藏》,驻上海韩国文化院,上海,中国 《ASIA2021亚洲国际当代艺术邀请展》,釜山市政厅展览馆,釜山,韩国 2020 《以花之名》,明珠美术馆,上海,中国 《循环播放 II》,刺点画廊,香港,中国 《影像-城市-历史:深圳1891-2020》,关山月美术馆,深圳,中国 《a one and a two:艺术家书项目》,阿那亚艺术中心,北戴河新区,中国 《具身之镜——中国录像艺术中的行为与表演》,新世纪当代艺术基金会(北京空间),北京,中国 《离开与归来》,布雷弗曼画廊, 特拉维夫,以色列 《策展课II—一个馆群的抽样案例》,OCAT深圳馆,深圳,中国 《2020第一届广州当代艺术博览会(影像单元)》,海心沙展览馆,广州,中国 《2020南京国际艺术博览会(画廊单元)》,南京国际博览中心,南京,中国 《暗光》,昊美术馆,上海,中国 《绵延—变动中的中国艺术》,北京民生现代美术馆,北京,中国 《愿你的生活甜如蜜》,巽美当代艺术馆,佛山,中国 《当速度成为形式,在屏幕里生活》,山中天艺术中心,北京,中国 《Questioning Power》,奥沙艺术空间,香港,中国 《Resort胜境》,外滩三号SGA沪申画廊,上海,中国 《无语看波澜:新园林故事》,沧浪亭&可园,苏州,中国 《形势巴洛克—设计中国北京》,北京农展馆,北京,中国 《永远有多远》,杭州工艺美术博物馆,中国 2019 《第四届今日文献展:缝合》,北京今日美术馆,北京,中国 《普通谎言》,首尔美术馆,首尔,韩国 《Pal(ate)/ette/》,外滩三号沪申画廊,上海,中国 《<单读>十周年摄影展:十年之后》,单向空间·阿那亚店,北戴河新区,中国 《自由菱镜,录像的浪潮》,盒子美术馆,广州,中国 《书•非书:杭州国际现代书法艺术节》,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州 《技术也凝结成了风景——科技艺术与风景画传统》,三里屯首北兆龙1层,北京,中国 《策展课——策展与设计》,华·美术馆,深圳,中国 《爱的艺术——全球影像艺术大展》,原·美术馆,重庆,中国 《新艺术史:2000-2018年中国当代艺术》,银川当代美术馆,中国 《时间开始了——2019乌镇当代艺术邀请展(主题展)》,乌镇,浙江,中国 《来自中国的新录像》,罗马Macro当代博物馆,意大利 2018 《影像三角志:珠江三角洲的录像艺术》,时代艺术中心,柏林,德国 《广州设计周“城市艺向”——来处》,广州太古汇,广州,中国 《爱的艺术:亲密》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 《众妙之门》,上海当代艺术馆,上海,中国 《日常之光:诗歌•影像2018》,TPM紫麓戏剧空间,南京,中国 《女神的装备》,杭州工艺美术博物馆,杭州,中国 《新影像,不止所见》,上海当代艺术馆,上海,中国 《北京新语》,三远当代艺术中心,北京,中国 《中国当代摄影四十年(1976——2018)》,OCAT深圳馆,深圳,中国 《艺术家书》,空白画廊,北京,中国 《微物之神》,狮语画廊,上海,中国 《美妙世界》,北京时代美术馆,北京,中国 《思想特征》,南山社,西安,中国 《根茎——中国当代艺术自主性研究展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 2017 《“城市共生”第七届深港城市/建筑双城双年展》,深圳,中国 《复相·叠影——广州影像三年展2017》,广州美术馆,广州,中国 《对流——中巴当代艺术展》,北京民生现代美术馆,北京,中国 《置景俱乐部》,鸿坤美术馆,北京,中国 《艺术深圳2017》,Hadrien de Montferrand画廊 ,深圳,中国 《艺术的仁慈》,蜂巢当代艺术中心,深圳,中国 《朋友圈+:文化馆线上艺术计划展》,OCAT上海馆,上海,中国 《后浪——气质与前卫》,谷仓当代艺术空间,深圳,中国 《第二届长江国际影像双年展——万丈高楼平地起》,重庆长江当代美术馆,重庆,中国 《1989后的艺术与中国—世界剧场》,古根汉美术馆,纽约,美国 《M+放映:城市界限》,M+视觉文化博物馆,香港,中国 《中国当代艺术年鉴展2016》,民生现代美术馆,北京,中国 《广东快车:主讲三角洲的艺术》,M+视觉文化博物馆,香港,中国 《后感性—恐惧与意识》,明当代美术馆,上海,中国 2016 《后感性——恐惧与意志》,民生现代美术馆,北京,中国 《滥情——蒋志、陈晓云双人展》,泰康空间,北京,中国 《另一种风景》,央美术馆,北京,中国 《转向——2000后中国当代艺术趋势》,民生现代美术馆,上海,中国 《世界是你们的,也是我们的》,白立方,伦敦,英国 《陌生之外》,Galerie Paris-Beijing,巴黎,法国 《重型炮兵》,白兔美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚 2015 《非形象——叙事的运动》,上海二十一世纪民生美术馆,上海,中国 《颗粒到像素——摄影在中国》,上海摄影艺术中心,上海,中国 《破图集——中国当代艺术家处理图像的方法》,寺上美术馆,北京,中国 《相望:艺术不需要文本》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 《二次光—十二位当代摄影艺术家》,保利艺术空间,香港,中国 《文明——第三回:江陵》,湖北美术学院美术馆,武汉,湖北,中国 《不在现场—感官阙值与一种在地性的漂移》,南京艺术学院美术馆,南京,中国 《后传统起源》,尤伦斯艺术品商店,北京,中国 《第二届三影堂实验影像开放展》,三影堂摄影艺术中心,北京,中国 《再影像:光的实验场》,湖北美术馆,武溪,中国 2014 《未见的存在:当代艺术的环境对话》,香港艺术中心,香港,中国 《轻抽象的星丛》,尤伦斯艺术商店,北京,中国 《2014中国黟县摄影大展》,黟县,安徽,中国 《脸书》,昊美术馆,温州,浙江,中国 《上交会》,激烈空间,上海,中国 《第三种批判-艺术语言的批判》,时代美术馆,北京,中国 《命名物的方式》,衡山坊,上海,中国 《第十二届全国美展-实验艺术展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 《第三世界的世界III》,朱拉隆功大学艺术中心,曼谷,泰国 《以退为进》,外滩美术馆,上海,中国 《Now You See – Dr. Michael I. Jacobs收藏的中国当代录像展》,白盒子艺术中心,纽约,美国 《三影堂首届实验影像开放展》,三影堂摄影艺术中心,北京,中国 2013 《“城市边缘”第五届深港城市/建筑双年展》,深圳,中国 《第八届深圳国际水墨双年展》,关山月美术馆,深圳,中国 《滤镜,上海环球金融中心》,上海,中国 《集锦手卷——十九位当代艺术家的书法》,01100001,北京,中国 《不期而遇:2013三亚国际当代艺术展》,三亚,海南,中国 《西岸2013建筑与当代艺术双年展——影像艺术特展“解像力” 》,上海,中国 《城市之后》,MOST X赛马会创意艺术中心,香港,中国 《天线空间上海开幕展》,天线空间,上海,中国 《存在和不存在是一样的》,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京,中国 《绘画课Ⅲ: 基础与极限之构》,杨画廊,北京,中国 《消极或抵抗?》,泰康空间,北京,中国 《当代艺术在中国1990-2012》,中画廊,柏林,中国 《罗曼蒂克幻象之谜》,复地香栀花园, 上海,中国 《新建构:中国八十至九十年代先锋摄影》,刺点画廊,香港,中国 《UFO….》,MOST X赛马会创意艺术中心,香港,中国 2012 《瑞信·2012今日艺术奖入围展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 《重新发电:第9届上海双年展》,上海当代艺术博物馆,上海,中国 《见所未见:第4届广州三年展》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《依于仁,游于艺——21位中国艺术家非代表作品展》,白盒子艺术馆,北京,中国 《中国·新疆首届当代艺术双年展》,新疆乌鲁木齐新疆艺术中心,乌鲁木齐,中国 《此刻此在:泛亚五人展》,品画廊,北京,中国 《在视网膜上弯曲的光》,外滩18号画廊,上海,中国 《解禁之后——新一代的性与爱》,798时态空间 ,中国 《发展的幻想》,品画廊,北京,中国 2011 《怀疑的力量》,时代美术馆,广州,中国 《展览》,泰康空间,北京,中国 《海蒂·芙欧特、蒋志、高伟刚三个展》,沪申画廊,上海,中国 《“词场”诗歌计划2011 —— 中国当代艺术与诗歌第一回展》,华美术馆,深圳,中国 《关系:中国当代艺术》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 《超有机-CAFAM泛主题展2011》,中央美术学院美术馆,北京,中国 《时间的形状:当代中国艺术中的多重历史》,伊比利亚当代艺术中心,北京,中国 《N分钟影像艺术节》,多地点,上海,中国 《中国影像艺术:1988-2011》,民生现代美术馆,上海,中国 《上海艺术博览会当代艺术展•热点》,上海展览中心,上海,中国 《海报展-第三期》,桃浦当代艺术中心,上海,中国 《关系:中国当代艺术》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《决绝,一个抽象艺术群展》,博而励画廊,北京,中国 《第14届西班牙国际摄影节》,马德里,西班牙 《杜撰者》,索卡艺术中心,北京,中国 《花儿》,千高原艺术中心,成都,中国 《趣味的共同体:2000年以来的中国当代艺术》,圣保罗当代美术馆,圣保罗,巴西 《艺术日新》,清华大学美术学院美术馆,北京,中国 2010 《十年曝光:中央美术学院与中国当代影像》,中央美术学院美术馆,北京,中国 《概念之酶》,A4画廊,成都,中国 《从现代性到现代化:自1988年的中国媒体艺术》,MK画廊,鹿特丹,荷兰 《趣味的共同体:2000年以来的中国当代艺术》,智利当代美术馆,圣地亚哥,智利 《摄影劫:中国艺术家在第二届马德里摄影节》,伊比利亚当代艺术中心,北京 《第二届马德里摄影博览会》,马德里,西班牙 《回到未来》,奥沙艺术空间,香港,中国 《改造历史:2000-2009年的中国新艺术》,国家会议中心,北京,中国 《后新摄影》,前波画廊,北京,中国 《第24届日本影像论坛》,东京,日本 《重瞳:拥有过去的未来——两岸艺术交流计划》,大未来耿画廊,台湾 《丛林——中国当代艺术生态管窥》,站台中国,北京,中国 《从电影看:当代艺术的电影痕迹与自我建构》,何香凝美术馆OCT当代艺术中心,深圳,中国 《时空中的一个点》,广东美术馆藏当代艺术作品展,国立台湾美术馆,台湾 2009 《工作坊:艺术家是如何工作的》,伊比利亚当代艺术中心,北京,中国 《“永久移民”当代艺术展览》,INH–SZ “传承—深圳”艺术空间,深圳,中国 《“第四领域, 大跃进”—当代艺术巡回展》,意大利托斯卡纳大区普拉托省多个地点,意大利 《西班牙GETXOPHOTO国际摄影节》,Getxo,比斯开湾,西班牙 《黑板报》,香格纳画廊,上海,中国 《交通:艺术高速公路》,Muse des beaux-arts etd’archologie,贝桑松,法国 《Time Versus Fashion》,The Kunstverein Nürtingen艺术中心,德国 《“日常规训”当代艺术群展》,沪申画廊,上海,中国 《“男女有别”摄影展》,巴黎•北京摄影1空间,北京,中国 《第三届广州国际摄影双年展2009》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《天使的传说》,红楼基金会,伦敦,英国 《“各搞各的:歧观当代”艺术展》,台北当代艺术馆,台北,台湾 《影像北京2009》,北京农展馆,北京,中国 2008 《“调解”首届双年展》,波兹南,波兰 《云中绘画-亚洲当代艺术》,Kiasma当代艺术博物馆,赫尔辛基,芬兰 《集体良知》,The Carlton Studios,墨尔本,澳大利亚 《精致的尸体:超现实中国》,M97画廊,上海,中国 《风景的拓扑》,玛吉画廊,北京,中国 《中国幻想》,铸造艺术馆,北京,中国 《“亚洲方位”南京三年展》,南京博物院,南京,中国 《“艺术家电影院”影像北京2008》,北京农展馆,北京,中国 《第二届北京独立电影论坛巡回展》,器空间,北京-重庆,中国 《中国金》,法国巴黎马约尔博物馆,巴黎,法国 《失眠”摄影展》,比翼艺术中心,上海,中国 《“在瓦伦西亚55天”中国当代艺术展》,西班牙瓦伦西亚现代艺术博物馆,巴伦西亚,西班牙 《2D/3D: 谈判的视觉语言》,KM 画廊,北京,中国 《东方虹:中国城市化进程中的图像序列》,玛吉画廊,马德里,西班牙 《诗意现实:对江南的再解读——来自中国南方的当代艺术》,芬拉布拉达Toms y Valiente艺术中心,马德里,西班牙 《乡愁:记忆与虚构的现实》,T空间,北京,中国 《2008中艺博国际画廊博览会(CIGE 2008)“亚洲年轻艺术家个展” 》,北京国际贸易中心,北京 《广州站——广州当代艺术特展》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《违章建筑Ⅱ》,长征空间,北京,中国 《“团队就是一切”当代中国艺术展》,EAST'08,纽卡斯尔,英国 《“时差”中国当代艺术新力量》,玛吉画廊,马德里,西班牙 《趣味的共同体:伊比利亚当代艺术中心开幕展》,伊比利亚当代艺术中心,北京 《“中国的摄影,1934-2008” 2008休斯敦摄影节?》,摄影节总部,休斯敦,美国 《“La Cina e’vicina – China Next Door“中国艺术家展览》,那波利美术馆,意大利 《自由中国/中国当代艺术展》,Spazio in BSI, Via Magatti 2,卢加诺,瑞士 2007 《上海艺术博览会当代艺术展“Best Discovery Section” 》,当代唐人艺术中心,上海,中国 《负反作用》,沪申画廊,上海,中国 《中国&印度》,Szene Salzburg,萨尔斯堡,奥地利 《“NONO”11个艺术家自主策划的最新作品展》,长征空间,北京,中国 《你以为你是谁?——中国当代艺术展》,米兰,意大利 《中国细语》,奥沙画廊,香港,中国 《新摄影十年》,三影堂摄影艺术中心,北京,中国 《能量: 精神·身体·物质-2007年首届今日文献展》,今日美术馆,北京,中国 《第三届连州国际摄影年展》,连州,广东,中国 《“我们就是你们的未来” 第2届莫斯科双年展特别计划》,Winzavod艺术中心,莫斯科,俄罗斯 《“景点”当代艺术展》,A-9 Space,北京,中国 《第2届北京独立电影论坛》,宋庄美术馆,北京,中国 《2007边界线移动影像展》,站台中国,北京,中国 2006 《第5届深圳国际水墨双年展》,深圳何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国 《看起来都一样?中韩日艺术展》,Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo,都灵,意大利 《我们是改变》,Isola Art Centre, 米兰,意大利 《第一届 shadows 中国独立电影节》,巴黎,法国 《积累——广东快车下一站》,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国 《新民间运动——“公共生活的重建 ”当代艺术大展》,北京优库现代艺术空间,北京,中国 《第20届瑞士弗里堡国际电影节》,弗里堡,瑞士 《中国日-2006年中国纪录片世界巡回展》,中国 《在内心》,Universal Studios,北京,中国 《“出门必带摄像机”中国录像艺术展》,The Museo Colecciones ICO,马德里,西班牙 《“显微境观”中国当代艺术展》,澳门艺术博物馆,澳门,中国 《幻想》,玛蕊乐画廊,北京/ 米兰,中国/ 意大利 2005 《第2届广州三年展》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《哥本哈根国际纪录片节》,哥本哈根,丹麦 《柏林亚太电影节》,柏林,德国 《“寓·言——现实深处:中国当代艺术展》,六合天寓地库,杭州,中国 《玄·现实》,Para/Site Art Space艺术空间,香港,中国 《第5届亚洲电影论坛》,新加坡 《Videozoom》,罗马,意大利 《City_net Asia 2005》,首尔市立美术馆,首尔,韩国 《70后艺术:市场改变中国的一代》,上海明园艺术中心/北京今日美术馆,上海/北京 《“柏拉图”和它的七种精灵》,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国 《第7届法国图尔亚洲电影节》,图尔,法国 《第2届中国艺术三年展》,南京博物馆,南京,中国 《平遥国际摄影节》,平遥,中国 《第29届香港国际电影节》,香港,中国 《第六届亚洲电影节》,法国 《“麻将”希客收藏中国当代艺术展》,伯尔尼美术馆,伯尔尼,瑞士 2004 《21届世界范围录像艺术节》,荷兰 《62761232快递展》,比翼艺术中心,上海,中国 《“在过去与未来之间”来自中国的新摄影及录像》,美国国际摄影中心(ICP),纽约,美国 《“东方的东方”国际艺术交流展》,斯洛文尼亚国家城堡,斯洛文尼亚 《“影像生存”第5届上海双年展》,上海美术馆,上海,中国 《Impakt Festival 国际艺术节》,荷兰 《Film Festival of Aubagne电影节》,法国 《第22届都灵电影节》,都灵,意大利 《2004/台湾国际纪录片双年展》,台北,台湾 《“你怎么能不抵抗呢?”第九届LA FREEWAVES电影、录像和新媒体双年展》,洛杉矶,美国 《“平凡子民”九十年代至今华人观念摄影展》,香港中央图书馆,香港,中国 2003 《紧急地带/第50届威尼斯双年展》,威尼斯,意大利 《Asian New Force/IFVA2002香港短片及录像节》,香港,中国 《第八届香港独立短片及录像奖》,香港,中国 《惦记/Lifetime/北京东京艺术工程》,东京画廊,北京,中国 《北京少数服从多数》,比翼艺术中心,上海,中国 《“距离”当代艺术展》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《中国新纪录片展》,巴黎,法国 《独立日:珠三角影像展》,广州/深圳/上海/港澳,中国 《公共空间和个人眼睛——来自中国的新视觉》,汉堡,德国 《第五系统/深圳国际当代雕塑展》,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国 《第十届活动影像双年展》,日内瓦,瑞士 《不一样的一样/当代国际艺术交流展》,多伦当代美术馆,上海,中国 2002 《狂想曲/Fantasia》,远洋艺术中心,北京,中国 《中国当代录像展》,棕榈海岸当代艺术中心,棕榈海岸,美国 《暂停/第四届,光州双年展》,光州,韩国 《首届广州三年展》,广东美术馆,广州,中国 《2002年平遥国际摄影节》,平遥古城,山西,中国 《2002澳门原创录像展》,澳门,中国 《建设中:亚洲艺术新世代》,东京歌剧院,东京,日本 《多制式,2002-2003世界短片节》,纽约/ 曼谷/ 上海/ 广州,美国/ 泰国/ 中国 《长征 ——— 一个行走中的视觉展示》,上河会馆,昆明,中国 2001 《中国魅力在泰国》,曼谷,泰国 《附体》,印象画廊/ 上海比翼艺术中心/ 藏酷新媒体艺术中心,杭州/上海/北京,中国 《城市俚语——珠江三角洲的当代艺术》,何香凝美术馆,深圳,中国 《米变· 亚洲艺术计划》,香港/新加坡/台北/上海/北京/巴黎/柏林 《非线性叙事·当代多媒体艺术节》,中国美术学院美术馆,杭州,中国 《影像狂欢·亚洲艺术节》,柏林,德国 《首届中国独立映像展》,北京电影学院,北京,中国 《幻想曲/建设中》,汉城,韩国 《当代多媒体艺术节》,棕榈海岸当代艺术中心,棕榈海岸,美国 2000 《中国录像国际艺术节》,香港太空馆演讲厅,香港,中国 1999 《亚太多媒体艺术节》,新加坡 《后感性—异形与妄想》,北京芍药居居民地下室,北京,中国 《物是人非摄影展》,天钥桥路859号,上海,中国 《体位之外——中港录像国际艺术节》,香港,中国 《北京—伦敦:革命之都》,伦敦,英国 1997 《97‘中国录像艺术观摩展》,中央美术学院,北京,中国 重要奖项 2012 “瑞信·今日艺术奖” 2010 改造历史(2000-2009年中国新艺术)学术大奖 2009 中国当代艺术金棕榈奖 2002 香港国际电影短片节“亚洲新势力——评委会大奖” 2000 中国当代艺术奖(CCAA) 博物馆与公共收藏 BSI艺术收藏(瑞士) DSL收藏(法国) 广东美术馆(中国) 时代美术馆(中国) 西班牙瓦伦西亚现代艺术博物馆(西班牙) 美国胡德艺术博物馆(美国) Kadist艺术基金会(法国及美国) 白兔中国当代艺术收藏(澳大利亚) 香港M+博物馆 JP Morgan艺术收藏 希克收藏(瑞士) Jiang Zhi Biography 1971 Born in Yuanjiang, Hunan Province, China 1995 Graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts Currently lives and works in Beijing, China Solo Exhibitions 2022 Jiang Zhi—Between Landscapes, MANGROVE GALLERY, Shenzhen, China 2021 Jiang Zhi—Between Landscapes, MANGROVE GALLERY, Shenzhen, China 2020 Can I become better?, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, China 2019 Hypocenter——Jiang Zhi, SiloSilo, Zurich, Switzerland 2018 Going and Coming, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, China Already I know the storms——Jiang Zhi, Magician Space, Beijing, China Jiang Zhi – Unforming, The Roof Art Museum, Hang Zhou, China 2017 To make with changes|Jiangzhi, Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery, Beijing, China One is All, All is One——Jiang Zhi Solo Exhibition, TKG+, Taipei, Taiwan 2016 Jiang Zhi: ALL, OCAT Shenzhen Exhibition Hall A, Shenzhen, China Jiang Zhi: Predestiny, Magician Space, Beijing, China Jiang Zhi: Half, Jewelvary, Shanghai, China 2015 Jiang Zhi: The Sight, White Cube, Hong Kong, China 2012 Strait is the Gate, Magician Space, Beijing, China Love Letters, M97 Gallery, Shanghai, China Impure Light, Saamlung Gallery, Hong Kong, China If This is a Man, Times Museum, Guangzhou, China 2011 A Thought Arises, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China 2010 ATTITUDE 3:An Exhibiton by Jiang Zhi, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China Temperature of the Nerve Endings: Jiang Zhi’s Solo Exhibition, Tang Contemporary Art, Bangkok, Thailand 2009 ATTITUDE 2:An Exhibiton by Jiang Zhi, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China ATTITUDE 1:An Exhibiton by Jiang Zhi, Osage Gallery, Shanghai, China Jiang Zhi Solo: On The White, Osage Gallery, Singapore 2008 On The White: Jiang Zhi Solo Exhibition, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China Neurosis and Prattle: Jiang Zhi’s Solo Show, Marella Gallery, Beijing, China Shine Upon Me. DF2 Gallery, Los Angeles, USA 2007 Things Would Turn Simple Once They Happened: Jiang Zhi Solo Photography Show, M97 Gallery, Shanghai, China 2006 Double Rooms-No.03: Jiang Zhi Solo Exhibition, Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, Shanghai, China 1999 Mu Mu: Exhibition of Jiang Zhi’s Photography, Borges Libreria, Guangzhou, China Selected Group Exhibitions 2022 The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China Shanghai 2020, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China 2021 The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China Shanghai 2020, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China When the Memory has Not been Forgotten, X Photo Gallery, Changsha, China Elephant in the Room, HiShorts!, Xiamen, China The Arts of Memory, OCAT Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China The Circular Impact – Video Art 21, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, China Logic of Sensation, OCT-LOFT, Shenzhen, China Mysterious Charm, PABLO GALLERY, Foshan, China Futurism of the Past – Contemplating the Past and the Future in Chinese Contemporary Art, Beijing Exhibition Centre, Beijing, China The 4th Today’s Documents: A Stitch In Time, Chongqing Contemporary Art Museum, Chong Qing, China Affect – Jiang Han Stars Plan 2021 Young Artist Research Exhibition, Wuhan Art Museum, Wu Han, China Towards a New Land: Tales of the Ancient Pavillion – Su Zhou Garden Art Festival, Cang Lang Ting & Ke Yuan, Su Zhou, China Cuando te mueves, me hablas – la exposición colectiva, la Biblioteca Miguel de Cervantes, Shanghai, China A Place For Concealment, Korean Cultural Center. Shanghai China Multi Prismatic, Mutual Views – International Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Museu de Arte de Macau, Macau, China 2021 Asia International Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Busan City Hall Exhibition Hall, Busan, China 2020 In the Name of Flower, Pearl Art Museum, Shanghai, China Play & Loop II, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, China Image- City-History: Shenzhen1891-2020, Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China A one and a two: Artists Books Project, Aranya Art Center, Beidaihe , Beidaihe New Area, China Embodied Mirror: Performances in Chinese video Art, New Century Art Foundation, Beijing, China Leaving and Returning, Braverman Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel The Curation Workshop II, OCAT Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China Pearl Cinema@1st Guangzhou Contemporary Art Fair 2020 – Video Image Unit, Haixinsha Exhibition Hall, Guangzhou, China Nanjing Art Fair International 2020, Nanjing International Expo Centre, Nanjing, China Noire Lumière, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, China Duration: Chinese Art in Transformation, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing China Wish You a Sweet Life, Duende Contemporary Art Museum, Foshan, China When Speed Become Form – Live in Your Screen, Wind H Art Centre, Beijing, China Questioning Power, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China Resort, Shanghai Gallery of Art (SGA), Shanghai, China As Time Goes By…New Stories from the Gardens, Cang Lang Ting & Ke Yuan, Su Zhou, China Situation Baroque, National Agricultural Exhibition Centre, Beijing, China The Shapes of Immortality, Hang Zhou Arts and Crafts Museum, Hang Zhou, China 2019 The 4th Today’s Documents – A Stitch in Time, Beijing times art museum, Beijing, China Ordinary Lie, Seoul Museum, Seoul, Korea Pal(ate)/ette/, Shanghai gallery of art, Shanghai, China ‘Dandu reading’ Photographs in a Ten Year: A Ten Year, OWSpace·Aranya, Beidaihe New Area, China Free Prism: Video Wave, OCT Boxes Art Museum, Foshan, China Writing Non – Writing: Hangzhou International Modern Calligraphy Festival ,China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China Technology Condenses Into Landscape——Tech Based Art and Landscape Painting, BEI Zhaolong, Beijing, China The Curation Workshop —— Exhibition Curation and Design, OCT Art & Design Gallery, Shenzhen, China Love Love Love, Essence Contemporary Art Museum, Chongqing, China New Art History:2000-2018 Chinese Contemporary Art, MOCA Yinchuan, Yinchuan, China Now is the Time – 2019 Wuzhen Contemporary Art Exhibition, Wuzhen, Zhejiang, China New Video from China , Museum of Contemporary Art of Roma (Macro), Rome, Italy 2018 The D-Tale: Video Art from the Pearl River Delta, Times Art Center,Berlin, Germany Guangzhou Design Week, City Art Direction— Origin, Taikoo Hui, Guangzhou, China Love:Intimate, Today Art Museum, Beijing , China Mind Temple, MoCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China Der Zauber des Alltäglichen- Lyrik•Film 2018, TPM, Nanjing, China Goddess in The Shell, Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum, Hangzhou, China Inspiration in Focus, MoCA Shanghai, Shanghai, China New Expression of Beijing, N3 Contemporary Art, Beijing, China 40 years of Chinese Contemporary Photography, OCAT Shenzhen, China On Paper 2, White Space, Beijing, China The God of Small Things, Leo Gallery, Shanghai, China Wonderful World, Beijing, Times Arts Museum, Beijing, China Ideological Characteristics, WXY Foundation, Xian, China Rhizome ——A Survey Subject of Chinese Contemporary Arts, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China 2017 Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture 2017, Shenzhen, China Simul-taneous Eidos, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China Troposphere: Chinese and Brazilian Contemporary Art, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China The Staged Club, Hongkun Museum of Fine Art, Beijing, China Art Shenzhen 2017, Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery, Shenzhen, China Benevolence of Art, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Shenzhen, China Moments and+More-Documents of Culture Pavilion Online Art project, OCAT Shanghai, Shanghai, China Post Wave: Temperament and Avant-garde, The Barn Contemporary Art Space, Shenzhen, China The second edition of Changjiang international photography &video Biennale, Chongqing museum of Contemporary Art, Chongqing, China Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, U.S. M+ Screenings: City Limits, M+ Museum of Visual Culture, Hong Kong, China The Exhibition of Annual Contemporary Art of China 2016, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China Canton Express – Art of the Pearl River Delta, M+ Museum of Visual Culture, Hong Kong, China Post-sense-sensibility: Trepidation and Will, Ming Contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China 2016 Post-sense-sensibility: Trepidation and Will, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China LOVE-ADDICT(CHENG XIAOYUN+JIANG ZHI),Taikang Space, Beijing, China Another Landscape, Yang Art Museum, Beijing, China Turning Point—Contemporary Art in China Since 2000, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China The World is Yours, as Well as Ours, White Cube, Beijing, China Exotic Stranger, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France Heavy Artillery, White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia 2015 Nonfigurative, Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China Grain to Pixel—A History of Photography in China, Shanghai Center of Photography, Shanghai, China Breaking the Image-Methods in the Treatment of Imagery by Contemporary Artists From China, Si Shang Art Museum, Beijing, China Concert of From: Art Without Text, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China Re-Exposure: Group Exhibition of Twelve Chinese Contemporary Photographic Artists, Poly Gallery, Hong Kong, China Civilization Round III: Jiang Ling, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Art Gallery, Hubei, China Absolute Threshold and a Type of Site-Specific Drift, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts,Nanjing, China Post-Tradition and Its Origins, UCCASTORE, Beijing, China The 2nd Three Shadows Experimental Image Open Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing, China Beyond Image: Laboratory of Light, Hubei Art Museum, Wu Xi, China 2014 Unseen Existence: Dialogues with the Environment in Contemporary Art, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong, China Soft Abstraction as Constellation, UCCASTORE, Beijing, China The 2014 China Yixian County Photography Festival, Yixian, Anhui, China Facebook, Hao Art Museum, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China Shanghai Deal, Radical Space, Shanghai, China The Third Criticism - Art Language, Times Art Museum, Beijing, China The Ways of Object Being Named, Mao Space, Shanghai The 12th National Art Exhibition - The Section of Experimental Art, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China The World III in the Third World, Chulalongkorn Art Centre, Bangkok, Thailand Advance through retreat, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, China NOW YOU SEE: New Chinese Video Art from the Collection of Dr. Michael I. Jacobs, Whitebox Art Center, New York, USA Three Shadows First Experimental Image Open Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing, China 2013 Urban Border: Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism Architecture, Shenzhen, China The 8th International Ink Art Biennale of Shenzhen, Guan Shan Yue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China Filter The Public: SWFC 5th Anniversary Art Project, Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai, China Calligraphy by 19 Contemporary Artists, 01100001, Beijing, China Encounters: ART SANYA 2013, Sanya, Hainan, China West Bund 2013-A Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China After (city), MOST x JCCAC, Hong Kong, China Antenna Space Shanghai Opening Exhibition, Antenna Space, Shanghai, China Being is Not Being, UCCA, Beijing, China Painting Lesson Ⅲ: Elementary and Extreme Structure, Yang Gallery, Beijing, China Pessimism or Resistance?, Taikang Space, Beijing, China Contemporary Art of China, 1990-2012, Zhong Gallery, Beijing, China The Rapture of Romantic Illusions, MAB Society, Shanghai, China New Framework: Chinese Avant-garde Photography from 1980s-90s, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, China U.F.O..., MOST x JCCAC, Hong Kong, China 2012 The Finalists Exhibition of Credit Suisse Today Art Award 2012, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China The 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012: Reactivation, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China The 4th Guangzhou Triennial: The Unseen, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China Magnanimity-Collection of Atypical Works by 21 Chinese Artists, White Box Museum of Art, Beijing, China The 1st China-Xinjiang Contemporary Art Biennale, Xinjiang Urumchi Art Centre, Xinjiang, China The Moment We Live in-5 Pan Asian Artists, Pin Gallery, Beijing, China Light Bending Onto The Retina, 18 Gallery, Shanghai, China Lust and Love of Young and Liberated. 798 Space, Beijing Developing Phantom. PIN Gallery, Beijing, China 2011 The Power of Doubt, Times Museum, Guangzhou, China Exhibition, Taikang Space, Beijing, China Three Solo Exhibitions: Heidi Voet, Jiangzhi, Gao Weigang, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China Wordscape Poetry Project 2011, OCT Art and Design Gallery, Shenzhen, China Guanxi: Contemporary Chinese Art, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China Super-Organism CAFAM Biennale 2011, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China The Shape of Time:The Multi-narrative History in Contemporary Chinese Art, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China N Minutes Video Art Festival, Various Places, Shanghai, China Moving Image in China: 1988-2011, Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai, China SH Contemporary 2011“Hot Spots”, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China Poster Exhibition-3rd Session, Top Contemporary Art Centre, Shanghai, China Guanxi: Contemporary Chinese Art, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China Breaking Away – an Abstract Art exhibition, Boers-Li Gallery, Beijing, China PHotoEspana ‘14, Madrid, Spain Fabricator, SOKA Art Center, Beijing, China Flower, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu, China Community of Tastes: Chinese Contemporary Art Since 2000, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Paulo, Brazil The Evolving Art, Art Museum of Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2010 A Decade Long Exposure: The Central Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese Contemporary Photography, CAFA Art Museum,Beijing,China Conception as Enzyme, A4 Contemporary Arts Center, Chengdu, China From Modernity to Modernization: Media Art China since 1988/the 3rd Screening program, MK gallery, Rotterdam Community of Tastes: Chinese Contemporary Art Since 2000, Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile Kalpastival of Photography: Chinese Artists at 2nd Madrid FOTO, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China The 2nd Madrid FOTO, Madrid, Spain Back to the Future, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009, China National Conference Center, Beijing, China Post New Photo, Chamber Fine Art Gallery, Beijing, China 24th Image Forum Festival, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan Vision2: The Future that Encompasses the Past-An Art Exchange Program between China and Taiwan, TKG+, Taiwan Jungle: A Close-Up Focus on Chinese Contemporary Art Trends, Platform China, Beijing, China Looking through Film: Traces of Cinema and Self-Constructs in Contemporary Art, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, China 2009 Work in Progress: How Do Artists Work?, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China Permanent Migrants, INH–SZ, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Terrioria 4, The Great Leap---A traveling project of contemporary art in Tuscany, Italy (Various venue in the Province of Prato, Italy GETXOPHOTO Festival, Getxo, Spain Blackboard -Group Exhibition, ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai, China TRAFFIC-Art Highway, Musée des beaux-arts etd’archéologie, Besancon, France Time Versus Fashion, The Kunstverein Nürtingen art centre, Germany Daily Rituals, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China Between the Sexes, Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery 1, Beijing, China 2009 Guangzhou Photo Biennial, Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China The Tale of Angels, The Red Mansion Foundation, London, United Kingdom SPECTACLE-TO EACH HIS OWN, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan Photo Beijing 2009, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China 2008 Mediations Biennale 2008, Poznan, Poland Drawn in the Clouds – Asian Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE, The Carlton Studios, Melbourne, Australia EXQUISITE CORPSE: China Surreal, Gallery M97, Shanghai, China Landscape Topology, Magee Art Gallery, Beijing, China Chinese Fantasies, Found Art Museum, Beijing, China Reflective Asia- Nanjing Triennial Exhibition, Nanjing Museum, China Artist Cinema-Photo Beijing 2008, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China China Gold, Contemporary Chinese Art, Museum of Maillol, Paris, France Insomnia-Photography Exhibition, BizArt Art Center, Shanghai, China 55 Days in Valencia: Chinese Art Meeting Exhibitio, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno(IVAM)SPAIN, Spain 2D/3D: Negotiating Visual Languages, PKM Gallery, Beijing, China The Oriental Rainbow: An Index of Images in China’s Urbanization Process , Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain Poetic Realism: A Reinterpretation of Jiangnan—Contemporary Art from South China, Centro de Arte Tomás y Valiente, Madrid, Spain Homesickness: Memory and Virtual Reality, T Space, Beijing, China CIGE 2008 / Young Asian Artists’ Solo Shows, Exhibition Hall China World Trade Center, Beijing, China Guangzhou Station--Special Exhibition for Contemporary Art of Guangdong, Guangdong museum of art, Guangzhou, China Building Code Violations, Long March Space, Beijing, China THERE IS NO I IN TEAM Contemporary Chinese Artists' Work, Civic Centre, Barras Bridge Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Time-Lag: The New Force of Chinese Contemporary Art, Magee Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain Community of Tastes: The Inaugural Exhibition of Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China FOTOFEST 2008-CHINA: Photography from China 1934-2008, FotoFest Headquarters, Houston, USA La Cina e' Vicina- China Next Door, Palazzo delle Arti, Napoli, Italy Free Zone: China / An exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art, Banca della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland 2007 Shanghai Art Fair of International Contemporary Art Exhibition “Best Discovery Section”, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China Negative Actions, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China China & India, Summerscene 2007, Salzburg, Austria NoNo: Self-curated exhibition of latest artworks by 11 individual artists, Long March Space, Beijing, China Who Do You Think You Are?, Milan, Italy Chinese Whispers, Osage Gallery, Hong Kong, China New Photo—Ten Years Exhibition, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing, China The First Today’s Documents 2007-Energy: Spirit•Body•Material, Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing, China The 3th Lianzhou International Photography Exhibition, Lianzhou, Guangzhou, China We Are Your Future: Special Project of the 2nd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Art Center Winzavod, Moscow, Russia Highlights in Visual Landscape Contemporary Art Exhibition, A-9 space, Beijing, China Schedule of the 2nd BiFF, Song Zhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China Borderline Moving Images 2007, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute, Beijing, China 2006 The 5th International Ink Painting Biennial of Shenzhen, He Xiangning Museum of Art, Shenzhen, China All Look The Same? / Tuttiuguale? Art from China, Japan & Korea Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, Italy La rivoluzione siamo noi, Isola Art Centre, Milan, Italy China Power Station Part 1, Serpentine Gallery, Paris, France Accumulation - Canton Express Next Stop, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China New Folk Movement ——‘The reconstruct of the commonality living’contemporary art exhibition, Beijing Ucool Modern Art Space, Beijing, China Fribourg International Film Festival, Fribourg, Switzerland China Day - 2006 Chinese Documentary World Tour, China Under The Skin, Universal Studios Beijing, China Never Go Out Without My DV Cam - Video Art from China, The Museo Colecciones ICO, Madrid, Spain Mycology: The Politics of Realism - A Case of Chinese Contemporary Art, Centro Cultural de Macau, Macau, China Fancy Dreams, Marella Gallery, Beijing, China 2005 The 2nd Guangzhou Triennial of Art, Guang Dong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark Berlin Asian-Pacific Film Festival, Berlin, Germany In the Deep of Reality: A Case of Chinese Contemporary Art, Hangzhou, China Irreality, Para/Site Art Space, Hong Kong, China 5th Asian Film Symposium & Inaugural Forum on Asian Cinema, The Substation Singapore Videozoom, Roma, Italy Citynet Asia 2005, Seoul Museum of Art, South Korea Art of the Post-70s: The Chinese Generation after the Market Reform, Mingyuan-artcenter, Shanghai/Today Art Museum, Beijing, China Plato and His Seven Spirits, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen, China The 7th Asian Film Festival in Tours, Tours, France Archaeology of the Future - The Second Triennial of Chinese Art, Nanjing, China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China The 29th Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong, China The 6th Asian Cinema Festival, France Mahjong-Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sig Collection, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland 2004 21th World Wide Video Festival, The Netherlands 62761232, BizArt Art Center, Shanghai, China Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China, ICP and Asia Society, New York, USA East of East, International art exhibition, Slovenia Shanghai Biennale - Techniques of the Visible, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China Impakt Festival, The Netherlands Film Festival of Aubagne, Aubagne, France The 22nd Turin Film festival, Turin, Italy Taiwan International Documentary Festival, Taipei, Taiwan LA Freewaves, Video and New Media: How Can You Not Resist? , Los Angeles, USA Reality Spells - Chinese Conceptual Photography Since The 90s, Hong Kong Central Public Library, Hong Kong, China 2003 Zone of Urgency: The 50th International Art Exhibition of the Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy Asian New Force/IFVA 2002 Hong Kong short film and video Festival, Hong Kong, China The 8th Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards, Hong Kong, China Remembering/Lifetime/Beijing, Tokyo Art Project, Beijing, China Minority Obeys Majority, BizArt Space, Shanghai, China Moving Pictures of Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou, China Brut de China, Paris, France Independence Day:Moving Images of Pearl River Delta, Guang Zhou/Shen Zhen/Shang Hai/Hong Kong/Macau, China Public Space and Personal Eyes - New Vision in China, Kampnagel Hamburg, Germany The Fifth System: Public Art in the Age of Post-Planning - International Public Art Exhibition, Shenzhen, China The 10th Biennial of Moving Pictures, Geneva, Switzerland The Different Same Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China 2002 Fantasia, East Modern Art Center, Beijing, China Chinese contemporary video exhibition, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Palm Beach, USA The 4th Gwangiu Biennale Exhibition, Gwangiu, South Korea The First Guangzhou Triennial of Art, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao, China Self-Talking / Art Channel of Tom.com Nominated Photo Exhibition, Beijing, China Macau Video Original Exhibition, Macau, China Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, The Japan Foundation Forum Tokyo Opera City Gallery, Tokyo, Japan +System, Short Videos from the World 2002-2003, New York,Thailand, Shanghai & Guangzhou, China The Long March: A Walking Visual Display, Kun Ming, China 2001 China Charm: Art Festival, Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand Mantic Ecstasy - Digital Images & Video Art, Hangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing, China City Slang: Contemporary Art in Guangdong Region, Shenzhen, China Up-ricing: Asia Intercultural Project, Hong Kong/ Singapore/ Taipei/ Shanghai/ Beijing/ Paris/ Berlin Contemporary Multimedia Art Festival, Hangzhou, China Asia Art Festival, Berlin, Germany The 1st Independent Film & Video Exhibition, Beijing, China Fantasia/Under Construction, Space imA, Seoul South Korea Contemporary Multimedia Art Festival, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Palm Beach, USA 2000 Sovereignty & Beyond - Videos from Chinese Artists International Festival, Hong Kong, China 1999 Multimedia Art Asia Pacific Festival, Singapore Post-Sense Sensibility: Alien Bodies & Delusion, Beijing, China The Same But Also Changed - Conceptual Photography, Shanghai, China Videos From Chinese Artists International Festival, Hong Kong, China Beijing - London: Revolutionary Capitals, London, UK 1997 Demonstration of Video Art ’97 China, the Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China Awards 2012 Credit Suisse Today Art Award 2010 Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009 Academic Award 2009 Gold Palm Chinese Contemporary Art Award 2002 Asian New Force: Hong Kong Short Film and Video Festival Jury Prize 2000 Chinese Contemporary Art Award Museums & Public Collections BSI Art Collection (Switzerland) DSL Collection (France) Guangdong Museum of Art (China) Times Museum (China) Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno Centre Julio González (Spain) Hood Museum of Art (U.S.) Kadist Art Foundation (France & U.S.) White Rabbit Gallery (Australia) M+ Museum of visual culture (Hong Kong) JP Morgan Art Collection Uli Sigg Collection (Switzerland)